26 November 2008

I really don't think that there is any more room in my tummy, but Peyton continues to move around like she's in the Taj Mahal. We're going on 37 weeks and it still hasn't totally sunk in yet. Heck, I still haven't even packed my hospital bag (don't worry it's on the to-do list). I guess I'll have a lot more time to do that now that I'm not working anymore- I finally get to participate in that traditional phase of pregnancy known as "nesting". Patrick and my cousin Megan insisted that I include more belly shots in the blog, so here they are. Peyton has grown a lot...as have I...and I'm really anxious for her to be in my arms as opposed to my belly. Time will tell, and we'll let y'all know.

01 November 2008

Yeah for Halloween! We had so much fun at the Colvin household! River dressed up as Super Dog and his two friends Lydia and Marek came over in their costumes to take pictures. River loved when the doorbell rang because he knew that it would be a new group of kids that would shower him with affection...even though he was hoping that they would shower him with treats. While we handed out candy we also made some yummy Halloween shaped sugar cookies with orange frosting. We took a break and headed over to see Kelly at the Police Department to take him and the other officer/fire fighters/dispatchers some cookies and to show off River's costume. I think that overall it was a very fun and a successful holiday for us.