26 November 2008

I really don't think that there is any more room in my tummy, but Peyton continues to move around like she's in the Taj Mahal. We're going on 37 weeks and it still hasn't totally sunk in yet. Heck, I still haven't even packed my hospital bag (don't worry it's on the to-do list). I guess I'll have a lot more time to do that now that I'm not working anymore- I finally get to participate in that traditional phase of pregnancy known as "nesting". Patrick and my cousin Megan insisted that I include more belly shots in the blog, so here they are. Peyton has grown a lot...as have I...and I'm really anxious for her to be in my arms as opposed to my belly. Time will tell, and we'll let y'all know.


Riin said...

You look so cute and happy! I'm so sad that I can't see you while I'm here. I'm thinking about you!

Joanna McGuire said...

You look adorable!! Good luck with giving birth and I can't wait for the pictures to come of peyton. You better get that bag packed soon. I love you darling.

Jess Schonberg said...

your belly has gotton so big! Ya but thats still me at like 25 weeks! lol I can not wait to see that little girl!! Hang in there and start jumping on the tramp..that did it for me 15 days early!

Meg said...

Holy shiz dude.. I'm glad to see that the belly finally fills that shirt!! You are still looking gorgeous as ever. Can't wait to see you and the baby!! Love you

The Hansen Family said...

Linds, you look so cute!!! You are beautiful pregnant. I'm so excited for you guys. These next few weeks are going to go by SO fast! Keep us posted and call me if you need to talk!