23 June 2009

My New Hero...

Now normally I do not (AND I MEAN DO NOT!) watch anything that has to do with celebrities or the gossip/drama that surrounds their lives. But, I happened to be breezing through channels the other night and something on TMZ made me pause- Al Roker told off the most disgusting, publicity hounding couple (my opinion) in the world- Speidi. I have never been more proud of the news media than I was at that moment. Finally, someone dared to ask the questions that I would ask if I had the chance. For those of you who didn't see it, copy and paste the link below and check it out- I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up. It earned Al Roker the title of my new hero.

An article that contains the qoutes Al Roker referred to with regards to NBC can be found at this link.


Lindsay said...

I so totally agree with you. I can't stand celebrities and national news reporters (especially any of them on the TODAY show)... except for Al Roker. I love what he said about those two immature brats.

Bryan and I watched the first episode of that show and I almost puked because of how incredibly selfish and stuck-up they were acting the entire time! Unbelievable! I vowed never to watch that show ever again and cut back TV time altogether. It was the biggest waste of my time.

Thank you for posting this, Linds. :)